Carnival Week Events 2020

Carnival Week Events 2020

Gillingham Carnival Committee has sadly taken the decision to cancel all except one of the usual Carnival Week Events.

This is in light of government guidance in relation to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic.

With the support of Gillingham Town businesses, we are able to run the 2020 Window Spotting Competition

from Sunday 4th October until Sunday 11th October

In a change to previous years, entry will be free, although donations will be gratefully received.

Entry Forms will be available from Friday 2nd October at

Cullingford Carpets or

Oddities will appear in window displays from Sunday 4th October Entries to be returned to Cullingford Carpets by Thursday 15th October

Cash Prizes: 1st £25 ~ 2nd £15 ~ 3rd £10 Kindly sponsored by Cullingford Carpets

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